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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Great Thaw! ...

I Live in the East Midlands. Apparently Northamptonshire was one of the worst hit areas by the 'sever weather event' the country has just experienced!

Thankfully, the snow has stopped falling, the temperature is beginning to rise, children are back at school, and the village shop is no longer completely bare of essentials from people invading the village to 'stock up' (just in case ...).

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I have the luxury of being able to work from home, I have a broadband connection, a telephone line, and a place in my house where I can shut the door and get on with whatever I need to get on with. I am just as contactable when working from home, than I am when I am in the office. In fact, I'm probably somewhat more responsive, as I have the comfort of my own surroundings (Dog under the desk, kettle on the Aga, etc. ...). So it does confuse me somewhat, when I try to contact clients, partners, etc. to be told that they are unavailable due to the weather! Despite me being ready, willing and keen to work, the world has decided that: Snow = No work needs to be done!

Still, enough moaning! At least I was able to get in my car, leave the frozen wastes of my village and drive to a meeting in Slough today. It was good to get out of the village in a car not designed for the snow, it was good to go to a meeting with a real person (to prove that some people are getting on with it!), and it was good to see that the world did seem to be reaching some level of normality!

Long may it continue ...


PS Its just started snowing again!! ...


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